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From memory in a sentence

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Sentence count:67+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in memory ofcommentcommencerecommendcomment oncommercialfromall the more
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1. The artist drew the scene from memory.
2. She can recite the whole poem from memory.
3. The painter drew the scene from memory.
4. He repeated that speech, word for word from memory.
5. Many members of the church sang from memory.
6. He recited the whole poem from memory.
7. The pianist played the whole piece from memory .
8. She could repeat many poems from memory at the age of five.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. I'm speaking from memory , but I believe it was last May.
10. He had written the note from memory, word perfect, and spelled atrociously.
11. The sketch was from memory but he had an eye for detail .
12. These stories were told and retold, mainly from memory.
13. They were all done from memory and she was quite pleased with them.
14. She makes a very similar recipe from memory using an iron frying pan and oil.
15. Marshall recited Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech from memory.
16. The company also helps clients estimate, from memory, the value of lost possessions.
17. Is knowledge lost from memory or does it change, becoming vague and imprecise, or distorted, or disconnected and fragmented?
18. If there is conversion from memory to naive phenotype, the conversion rate will be significantly greater than zero.
19. One reason it has faded from memory is that it was eventually overshadowed by a better song created from its chords.
20. The answer is always to erase everything from memory pertaining to previous projects.
21. And perceive his world, select what to recall from memory, then decide how to act?
22. It takes a huge effort to free yourself from memoryPaulo Coelho 
23. We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory.
24. He can recite that poem from memory.
25. I should be able to supply all the names from memory.
26. To my amazement, he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.
27. He must so dearly have wished the first two sets could have been instantly erased from memory.
28. Write a noveL burn it, and then try to reconstruct it from memory. 9.
29. With the suicide of Tatyana Nowak and a successful assassination of her son, the confession would vanish from memory.
30. Henry Arias, who never spoke in class, recited his lines almost flawlessly from memory.
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